irs installment agreement

IRS Installment Agreement

The IRS is dedicated to collecting all of the income taxes that are due. Congress has given the IRS permission and authority to collect income taxes by any means necessary. This means that the IRS can possibly put a lien on your retirement and bank accounts, seize your home and garnish your wages to collect their money. These are the extremes the IRS will come to, however, this usually occurs when the taxpayer cannot pay what they owe all at once. If this is a situation you as the taxpayer find yourself in, there are different methods to compromise with the IRS, an IRS Installment Agreement being one of them.

A tax advisor can work out an installment agreement with the IRS on the tax payer’s behalf to make smaller and more manageable payments that the individual can afford. The tax attorney involved is essentially bargaining with the IRS on behalf of the taxpayer. Both parties must be satisfied with the deal made. The taxpayer needs to be able to afford the payments and make them on time while still being financially stable to support themselves and family. On the other hand the IRS wants to collect their funds from the individual as fast as possible. The tax advisor must have adequate negotiating skills to satisfy both parties.

If you find yourself in the position of not being able to afford to pay your taxes, please consider an IRS Installment Agreement with your tax professional. This can add not only peace of mind to your difficult situation but also a light to the end of a long financial tunnel. Contact Us Today to schedule a FREE consultation.

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Rapid Resolution Tax Group is dedicated to helping our clients get their lives back on track. As Tax Attorneys, Enrolled Agents, CPA’s, and Tax Relief Experts, we have the keen understanding and personal experience of how the Internal Revenue Service operates, how they think, and what to expect.

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