Dealing with the IRS can be complicated and frustrating, but knowing when to contact a tax attorney for assistance is not. When it comes to addressing the IRS, time is of most importance.

As professional tax attorneys, we’ve worked with hundreds of clients to resolve their tax debt problems and restore their name with the IRS. We hope to answer all of your questions and concerns about contacting us for assistance. If you don’t find the information you’re looking for below, please don’t hesitate to contact us right away.

When you’ve received a notice

As soon as you receive any type of notification from the IRS, pick up the phone and contact one of our expert tax attorneys.

These types of notices can come in many forms, including a notice of lien, notice of levy, notice of deficiency, notice of change in your account and a notice of audit. Although varying in degrees of severity and subject — these notices have one in common: they need to handled with swift, professional action.

The IRS punishes those who ignore or don’t take full responsibility to handle the notices sent by them. When you ignore the letters, you increase your risk of receiving high penalty fees, interest rates, and decrease your options to defend yourself and your money. We’re here to help.

When you’re getting nowhere with the IRS

We’ve seen this happen countless of times with our clients. Someone believes they can take on the IRS on their own, only to find they’ve wasted their time and their money trying to resolve the issue. That’s where we come in. When your letters and your phone calls go unanswered, we step in to get the information you need to move forward. In the past, the IRS has acknowledged that taxpayers are often ignored or shuffled among different departments. Don’t let that happen to you. Simply give us a call and let us take care of your case today.

When you can’t pay your tax debt

Most taxpayers panic when they can’t afford their tax debt. They leave it on a shelf to tend to later, but later never comes. Take it from our expert professionals, that’s the worst thing you can do. Contact us and we’ll be happy to help negotiate your debt or work out a payment plan that’s comfortable for you and your family.

Don’t hesitate — contact our tax attorneys today for immediate action with satisfactory results.