State Tax Problems

Each state has their own financial shortcomings, especially with the recent recession. That being said, if/when a taxpayer owes their state back taxes, the collection process can be very harsh on the taxpayer. Harassing phone calls and being bullied by your state to pay your back taxes is not uncommon.

Get help from a qualified tax attorney who can negotiate on your behalf to the State. Be advised that the State has a number of ways to collect their taxes if the notices are ignored and the amount owed is not paid in full. If you have not filed your state taxes, the State will file for you. If you own a business or possess a contractor’s license, the State can use a gross income based on what the average income is for your profession and file on your behalf. The State can then seize your bank accounts if you do not pay what you are projected to owe.

This is not something that you want to handle by yourself. You want a tax attorney on your side to help you negotiate with the State and work out a payment plan. Also, your tax attorney will be able to yield the harassing phone calls from the State in attempts to obtain what you owe. Please consult an expert tax attorney right away to get started.

We Provide Tax Relief to All 50 States

us_statesWhen you work with our team, you trust your situation to former IRS Tax Attorneys, CPAs, and Tax Professionals. Our goal is to help you keep what’s yours, recover your funds, and protect your future. Have no fear, for we are passionate about helping you win!

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